APH Bose, JM Henshaw, H Zimmermann, K Fritzsche, KM Sefc
BMC Biology (doi:10.1186/s12915-018-0620-6), 2019
Inclusive fitness benefits mitigate costs of
cuckoldry to socially paired males
APH Bose, H Zimmermann, JM Henshaw, K Fritzsche, KM Sefc
Molecular ecology 27 (21), 2018
Brood ‐tending males in a biparental fish suffer high paternity losses but rarely cuckold
K Fritzsche, I Booksmythe, G Arnqvist
Current Biology 26 (18), 2016
Sex ratio bias leads to the evolution of sex role reversal in honey locust beetles
JM Henshaw, AT Kahn, *K Fritzsche
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (3), 2016
*joint first author
A rigorous comparison of sexual selection indexes via simulations of diverse mating systems
E Verheyen et al.
Science 354 (6312), 2016
Oil extraction imperils Africa's Great Lakes
K Fritzsche, G Arnqvist
Animal behaviour 102, 2015
The effects of male phenotypic condition on reproductive output in a sex role-reversed beetle
K Fritzsche
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, PhD-thesis, 2015
Sexual selection and the evolution of sex-role reversal in honeylocust beetles
I Booksmythe, *K Fritzsche, G Arnqvist
Journal of evolutionary biology 27 (12), 2014
Sperm competition generates evolution of increased paternal investment in a sex role‐reversed seed beetle
K Fritzsche, N Timmermeyer, M Wolter, NK Michiels
Proc. R. Soc. B 281 (1796), 2014
Female, but not male, nematodes evolve under experimental sexual coevolution
Evolution 67 (7), 2013
Homage to Bateman: sex roles predict sex differences in sexual selection
K Fritzsche, I Booksmythe
Current Zoology 59 (4), 2013
The measurement of sexual selection on females and males
K Fritzsche, A Delobel
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 117 (3), 2012
Megabruchidius dorsalis (Fåhraeus, 1839), Bruche nouvelle pour la faune française (Col., Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae)
Y Salehialavi, K Fritzsche, G Arnqvist
Behavioral Ecology 22 (5), 2011
The cost of mating and mutual mate choice in 2 role–reversed honey locust beetles